
This package is crafted for effortless integration and streamlined access to user defaults plus it supports the new privacy rules from WWDC23.

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This package is crafted for effortless integration and streamlined access to user defaults plus it supports the new privacy rules from WWDC23. For step by step guide how to add it visit GitHub Repo.

How to use

Utilizing this API is designed to be straightforward and as effortless as using the @AppStorage API. Simply add this property wrapper to your variable and provide it with a key - that's all there is to it

@UserDefaults(key: "previewShown") var previewShown = false // false is the default value

To help you better organize your UserDefaults keys, I've created an enum called DefaultKeys to store them. Just extend the enum and add new keys as static properties like this:

extension DefaultKeys {
  static let previewShown = "previewShown"

You can also store optional values just like that:

@UserDefaults(key: "previewShown") var previewShown: Bool?

Custome Container

You can also store your userDefaults in a custome container like so:

@UserDefaults(key: "previewShown", .init(suiteName: "YourCustomeContainerName")) var previewShown = false

Supported Data

SwiftUserDefaults supports all of the standard NSUserDefaults types, like String, Int, Bool, Array and much more.

Here's a full table of built-in single value defaults:

Single valueArray
[String: Any][[String: Any]]

But you can also support custome data types 🚀

Storing Custome Data

Storing custom data types is straightforward; you only need to ensure that the custom data type conforms to DefaultsCustomDataType, as demonstrated below:

struct CustomeData: DefaultsCustomDataType {
@UserDefaults(key: "customeData") var customeData = CustomeData()

DefaultsCustomDataType is a public protocol that conforms to the Codable protocol. It serves as a bridge, allowing the API to easily detect whether this data type needs to be encoded or not.

Example 1 Enums

Storing an Enum is straightforward; simply ensure that the Enum conforms to DefaultsCustomDataType, as shown below:

enum CustomeData: DefaultsCustomDataType {
case none
@UserDefaults(key: "customeData") var customeData: CustomeData = .none

Example 2 Custom Array type

Storing custom Array types is even simpler just ensure that the Element type of the Array conforms to DefaultsCustomDataType, as demonstrated below:

struct CustomeData: DefaultsCustomDataType {
@UserDefaults(key: "customeData") var customeData: [CustomeData] = [CustomeData()]

And that's all there is to it! 🚀 Enjoy using this Swifty package.